Project Experience

Panther Games

Development of a desktop application built with Tauri, Sveltekit, and TailwindCSS for the video game company Panther Games

The purpose of this project was to design and implement a system aimed at simplifying the daily operations of a real company. In this particular case, the company requested a point-of-sale system with the ability to generate sales reports for specific periods, with the option to download them in Excel format.

This project was part of the courses Fundamentals of Software Engineering and Software Engineering, and it was developed over a period of one year.

Product Catalog Screen

Product Catalog Screen


Designing and Developing a new lenguage similar to TypeScript.

This project was individually developed by me with the purpose of strengthening programming skills and gaining an understanding of how a compiler works.

This project was part of the courses Formal Languages and Automata Theory, and it was developed over a one-year period.

In progress

ITESCA’s Teacher Training

Web platform for the management of training services for ITESCA's teaching staff.


CV - Dulce Roxanna Clark Valenzuela.pdf